Happy Holidays, from our Different Roads to Learning family to yours! We wish you all good health, peace, and happiness in the New Year.
We get a bit reflective here around the holidays and wanted to take the opportunity to tell you how thankful we are for all of you and your incredible efforts.

We’re so proud to be part of this community of wonderful parents, teachers, and therapists.
We’ll be operating on limited hours between December 24 and January 2 to give everyone here a chance to rest and regroup and come back in 2014 with a bang. You can still reach us at (800) 853-1057 and via email at info@difflearn.com. It just may take us a little longer than usual to get back to you. Orders will still be processed and shipped within 24-48 hours.
Enjoy your holiday, and we look forward to connecting with you in 2014!
Warmest regards,
Julie, Abigail, Natasha, Hannah, Stacy & Sam