J. Tyler Fovel, MA, BCBA’s essential manual for creating professional and effective ABA programs blends clear explanations of scientifically-based concepts and methodology, clinical examples and advice, and suggested implementation strategies. This revised edition presents information on:
- qualities of an effective ABA program
- transdisciplinary teamwork
- curriculum selection and development
- program writing and revision
- strategies for attention and engagement
- prompts
- error- correction
- reinforcement
- progress evaluation
- data-based decision-making
TAKE 20% OFF The NEW ABA Program Companion this week with our promo code NEWABA at check-out, and get a head start on designing an efficient ABA program for your students this year.
The NEW ABA Program Companion also comes with training packages for implementers, forms, and a 6-month subscription to the online program development and management software, ABA Program Companion 3.0.