Assessment Kit Giveaway

We’re ending Autism Awareness month with a HUGE giveaway. Fill out this simple survey and we’ll enter you to win one of our Assessment Kits for students with Autism. Valued at over $1000.00, this highly in-demand kit can be used to both assess & teach criticial skills to students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other special needs. It contains flashcards, manipulatives, puzzles, and much more. You can keep the kit or have us send it to an organization or school of your choice.

Fill out the survey here and be automatically entered to win:

*Unfortunately, this offer is valid only for U.S. Residents.

Survey closes on April 30, 2012.  Good luck!


Pick of the Week: File Folder Activity Sets

Every time we attend a conference, parents and teachers alike go wild over our File Folder Activity Sets. Gone are the days when you have to spend hours cutting out little shapes and laminating all of your cards…Now, it’s all done for you! Our File Folders tackle three areas of early skills: Letters, Colors & Shapes, and Numbers. Each kit is preassembled and contains 10 unique folders, stuctured around one main skill area. The kits contain various activities that use matching skills as the foundation for learning different skills.

This week, save 15% on the File Folder Activity Sets by entering the Promo Code BLOGFFA3 at checkout.

*Offer expires on May 1, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST. Not compatible with any other offer. Be sure there are no spaces after the Promo Code when you enter it at checkout.

Pick of the Week: EasyDaysies Magnetic Schedule for Kids

The EasyDaysies Magnetic Schedule was created by a Mom of three and she’s got scheduling down pat! The simple board helps structure kids’ daily routies while teaching them independence, self-discipline and sight word recognition. With the “To Do” and “Done” columns, you can also use it as a reward system. This starter kit comes with the board and 18 Magnets that cover everyday activities such as get dressed, do homework, and bath time.

This week, we’re also offering a 15% discount on the supplemental kit for Family Activities. This pack includes 9 magnets to add to your schedule that families often do together such as shopping, movie night, church and more.

This week only, save 15% on both the EasyDaysies Magnetic Schedule for Kids and the Family Activities Kit by entering the Promo Code BLOGEDMS at checkout.

*Offer expires on April 24, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST. Not compatible with any other offer. Be sure there are no spaces after the Promo Code when you enter it at checkout.

Fostering Prosocial Behavior: A Guest Post by Terese Dana of TD Social Skills

To get along with others successfully, people must exhibit prosocial behavior. Susan Fiske, a social psychologist, defines this as behavior intended to benefit others. It includes behaviors such as, helping, comforting, sharing, cooperating, reassuring, defending and showing concern. Prosocial behavior promotes positive interactions and friendships, and exhibiting these behaviors is considered part of the social norm.  Since prosocial behavior is expected, deficits in this area can lead to unfulfilled attempts at developing friendships.

Many children on the autism spectrum can spend much of their time intensely focusing on their own self-interests.  To enhance their social experiences they will need to learn how to include the interests and needs of others into their daily interactions. To increase prosocial behavior, complex cognitive and emotional competencies, along with specific social skills need to be developed.

Studies have shown video modeling to be an effective tool to teach many different skills and behaviors. Using video modeling DVDs that incorporate perspective taking can help children to understand WHY acting in ways that include the needs, concerns, and interests of others can lead to better friendships.  By viewing social interactions from multiple perspectives, children learn, through modeling, what they can do differently to get better outcomes when engaged in social exchanges.

Why does video modeling work?

  • Most children are highly motivated, interested and thus attentive to video
  • Most enjoy repeat viewings
  • It gives the student the opportunity to observe, discuss, imitate and learn skills and behaviors from peers
  • It is easier to implement and has been shown to be more effective then using live models
  • Many students on the spectrum are visual learners

“ I think in pictures. I do not think in language.  All my thoughts are like videotapes running in my imagination.  Pictures are my first language and words are my second language.”  – Temple Grandin, Ph.D, Teaching Tips for Children and Adults with Autism

Increasing social competency provides children with opportunities to interact with peers more successfully.  Video modeling has been shown to be a particularly effective way for children on the autism spectrum to not only gain skills but to generalize those skills as well.

Terese Dana, BCaBA, is a behavior analyst and social skills instructor who has been helping students find solutions to social, emotional, behavioral and organizational challenges since 1988. Ms. Dana consults for both school and home programs. She collaborated with Madison Elementary School, to establish the Madison Educational Center for Children (MECC) in Madison, NH.Ms. Dana is the creator of the Fitting In and Having Fun Video Modeling Program.  The DVD series includes: Fitting In and Having Fun, Moving On to Middle School and Confident and In Control. She has also created the File Factor Emotional Empowerment System, a tool that helps children regulate their behavior by teaching them how to identify, understand, express and control their emotions.  She is the author of the book, The File Factor; Filing Away Disappointment.

Ms. Dana has appeared on national television, in the New York Times and in The Autism Sourcebook, Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Treatment, Coping and Healing.  She lectures across the country and is the autism consultant for Didi Lightful, a children’s television show currently in production.  Ms. Dana also serves as board President of The Laura Foundation for Autism and Epilepsy and in that role is creating the Laura Adaptive Sports and Recreation Center in Madison, NH.

Pick of the Week: Photo Conversation Cards for Children with Autism and Asperger’s

Photo Conversation Cards for Children with Autism and Asperger’s help children develop social and communication skills. Each card presents a full-color photo with a phrase on the front and a social/communication skills story on the back. The photo and script can be used as a discussion or story-starter for developing awareness of social situations. Each scenario is described in detail with socially appropriate responses for children to practice. The set covers topics such as meeting and greeting, personal space, manners, safety, emotions, making and keeping friends, good sportsmanship, and more.

This week only, save 15% on the NEW Photo Conversation Cards for Children with Autism and Asperger’s by entering the Promo Code BLOGPCAA at checkout.

*Offer expires on April 17, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST. Not compatible with any other offer. Be sure there are no spaces after the Promo Code when you enter it at checkout.

What Goes Together? App Giveaway Sweepstakes

Win a free copy of our App: What Goes Together?

We’ll be giving away 10 free copies of our App as part of our month of promotions in honor of Autism Awareness Month.

 Enter our Sweepstakes by visiting

Winners will be chosen at random on April 6, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST. Winners will be notified by email on Monday, April 9.

What Goes Together? is an interactive game develops language, discrimination, and reasoning skills in young learners. Clear,  colorful images of everyday objects promote an understanding of functions and the relationships between items that children encounter on a daily basis. With built-in reinforcement and error correction, this game provides a solid foundation in building critical expressive and receptive language skills.






Participate in Our “Design A Ribbon Project” for Autism Awareness Month

Join Different Roads to Learning in commemorating Autism Awareness Month by designing your own Autism Awareness Ribbon.  We hope you’ll join us in raising awareness this April and shedding your light on autism through Different Roads to Learning’s Ribbon Project.

Download the blank template and decorate it with pencils, crayons, markers, photos, graphics – whatever strikes your fancy! Print out a bunch and have your students color them in or pass them out to Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and have them participate as well.

Different Roads will be gathering all of your designs and displaying them in photo galleries on our Blog and Facebook Fan Page.  You can help us raise awareness about autism & our Autism Awareness Ribbon Project by spreading the word via email, Facebook, and Twitter.

When you have your Ribbon decorated, scan a copy and email it to or mail it to us at:

Different Roads to Learning
37 East 18th Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10003

We hope you’ll join us in raising awareness and shedding a personal light on autism through our Autism Awareness Ribbon Project.

Here’s how to design & submit your own Autism Awareness Ribbon artwork:

1) Click on the ribbon image above or on the outlined ribbon image on the top right sidebar of our Blog’s homepage to access our published Ribbon Template. You can also retrieve our Ribbon Template in the tab called “Design Ribbon Project” at the top of our Facebook Fan Page .

2) Download the Autism Awareness Month Ribbon template on our Blog or Facebook Fan Page and print out as many copies as you need.

3) After decorating your completed Autism Awareness Month Ribbon masterpiece, submit your design by emailing it to or mailing it to: Different Roads to Learning / 37 East 18th Street, 10th Floor / New York, NY 10003

And be sure to check out all of your beautiful designs on display in our Ribbon Galleries on our Blog & Facebook Fan Page!




20% Off Two Day Sale at Different Roads in honor of World Autism Awareness Day

Save 20% Storewide*

at Different Roads to Learning

in honor of Autism Awareness Month

 To redeem your savings, enter Promo Code

WAAD12 at

or call us at 800-853-1057/ 212-604-9637

Sale valid today and tomorrow only! April 2-April 3, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST


 With the prevalence of autism now at an astonishing 1 in 88 children, awareness is more important than ever. Early diagnosis and intervention are proven to have a positive impact on a child’s outcome. All of our products support early intervention and Applied Behavior Analysis programs in the home and at school.


*Sale does NOT apply to the following products: VB-MAPP Assessment Kits (DRK 700, DRK 701), ABLLS-R Assessment Kits (DRK 702, DRK 703), 10- and 25-packs of VB-MAPP Protocols (DRB 682, DRB 683).*  

This promotion cannot be applied to previous orders. The coupon code must be entered during checkout to receive offer. Offer only applies to selected products and not those currently on sale. Your order must be placed during the time of the World Autism Awareness Day Sale to qualify for this special offer. This promotional offer may not be combined with any other promotional or discount offers. 


Prevalence of Autism now at 1 in 88 Children

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has just issued a new report on the prevalence of autism in the United States.  The estimate now is that 1 in every 88 American children is diagnosed with autism (1 in 54 boys, 1 in 252 girls).  That’s up from the 1 in 110 number just a few years ago.

The CDC’s alarming new statistics reveal that there has been a 78% increase of autism diagnosis cases throughout the US, over a 6 year period (2002-2008), which can be considered a cautionary reminder to all of us how serious and vast this issue has become.

With Autism Awareness Month approaching, Different Roads to Learning is pledging to participate in Autism Speak’s Light It Up Blue campaign on Monday, April 2 to help raise public awareness. We hope you’ll join us.  Now more than ever, we need to be sure that proper attention, research, education, intervention and funding is focused on the children and families living with autism.

During the month of April, Different Roads to Learning will be hosting a wide variety of events including sales, giveaways, an Autism Awareness Ribbon Project, and more. Be sure to stay tuned to our Blog, Facebook and Twitter pages for up to date information on how we’ll be supporting our community and raising awareness this April.

If you would like to learn more about the recent statistics, you can visit:

Autism Speaks’ 2012 Press Release on CDC Numbers.


Pick of the Week: Know the Code at School – Social Skills Card Games

Know the Code at School is a behavioral and social skill card game that illustrate 50 social skills in typical school scenarios. Each card shows a skill with a relevant photo, lists five sequential steps to accomplish the skill and suggests a talking point. The cards are great for games and role plays at an elementary or middle school level.

This week only, save 15% on the Know the Code at School cards by entering the Promo Code BLOGKC9 at checkout.

*Offer expires on April 3, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST. Not compatible with any other offer. Be sure there are no spaces after the Promo Code when you enter it at checkout.